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Maria Mody, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor Radiology, Harvard Medical School



Mody, M., Manoach, D., Guenther, F.G., Kenet, T., Bruno, K., McDougle, C.J., & Stigler, K.A. (2013). Speech and language in autism spectrum disorder: A view through the lens of behavior and brain imaging. Neuropsychiatry, 3(2), 223-232

Bourisly, A., Haynes, C., Bourisly, N. & Mody, M. (2013). Neural Correlates of Diacritics in Arabic: An fMRI Study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 26, 195-206

Mody, M. & Belliveau, J. (2012). Speech and Language Impairments in Autism:Insights from behavior and neuroimaging. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(3), 157-163

Han, J., Mody, M. & Ahlfors, S.P. (2012). Gamma phase-locking modulated by phonological contrast during auditory comprehension in reading disability. NeuroReport, 23(14), 851-856

Sahyoun, C. P., Belliveau, J.W. and Mody, M. (2010). White matter integrity and pictorial reasoning in high-functioning children with autism. Brain and Cognition, 73, 180–188

Sahyoun, C.P., Belliveau, J.W., Soulieres, I., Schwartz, S. and Mody, M. (2010). "Neuroimaging of the functional and structural networks underlying visuospatial vs. linguistic reasoning in high-functioning autism." Neuropsychologia 48(1): 86-95

Sahyoun, C., Soulières, I., Belliveau, J., Mottron, L., & Mody, M. (2009). Cognitive Differences in Pictorial Reasoning between High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39:1014.1023

Mody, M., Wehner, D.T. & Ahlfors, S. P. (2008). Auditory word perception in sentence context in reading-disabled children. NeuroReport, 19, 1567-1571

Shaywitz, S.A., Gruen, J., Mody, M., Shaywitz, B. A. (2008). Dyslexia. In R. G. Schwartz (ed), The Handbook of Child Language Disorders (pp. 115-139). Boca Raton, FL: Psychology Press

Mody, M. & Silliman, Elaine R. (eds.) (2008). Brain, Behavior and Learning in Reading and Language Disorders. NY: Guilford Press.

Tager-Flusberg, H., Lindgren, K. & Mody, M. (2008). Structural and Functional Imaging Research on Language Disorder: Specific Language Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Wolf, Schreiber, & Wasserstein (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Adult Learning Disorders. NY: Taylor & Francis.

Wehner DT, Hämäläinen MS, Mody, M., Ahlfors SP. Head movements of children in MEG: Quantification, effects on source estimation, and compensation (2008). NeuroImage, 40, 541-50.

Wehner D, Ahlfors SP, Mody, M. Effects of phonological contrast on auditory word discrimination in children with and without reading disability: A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study (2007). Neuropsychologia, 45, 3251-62.

Wehner D, Ahlfors SP, Mody, M. (2007). The influence of semantic processing on phonological decisions in children and adults: A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study. J. Speech Lang. Hearing Res., 50, 716-31.

Shaywitz, S. E., Mody, M., Shaywitz, B. A. (2006). Neural mechanisms in dyslexia. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15, 278-281

Mody, M. (2004). Neurobiological Correlates of Language and Literacy Impairments. In C. Addison Stone, Elaine Silliman, Barbara Ehren and Ken Apel., (Eds.), Handbook of Language and Literacy: Development and Disorders, (pp. 49-73). Guilford Press, New York: NY.

Mody, M. (2003). Rapid auditory processing deficits in dyslexia: A commentary on two differing views. Journal of Phonetics, 31, 529-539.

Mody, M. (2003). Phonological basis in reading disability: A review and analysis of the evidence. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16, 21-39.

Studdert-Kennedy,M., Mody, M. & Brady, S. (2000). Speech perception deficits in poor readers: A reply to Denenberg’s critique. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33, 317-321

Mody, M., Schwartz, R.G., Gravel, J.S. & Ruben, R.J. (1999). Speech perception and verbal memory in children with and without histories of otitis media. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 42, 1069-1079

Carre, R., & Mody, M. (1997). Predicting vowel and consonant place of articulation. In J. Coleman (ed). Proceedings of the Lab Phon Meeting in Computational Phonology, Madrid, Spain

Schwartz, R.G., Mody, M. & Petinou, K. (1997). Phonological acquisition in children with OME: Speech perception and speech speech production. In J. Roberts, I. Wallace & F. Henderson (eds.), Otitis Media in Young Children: Medical, Developmental and Educational Considerations. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H. Brookes

Gravel, J.S., Wallace, I.F., Ellis, M.A., Lee, W. & Mody, M. (1997) Higher order auditory abilities in children with histories of otitis media. In D.J. Lim, C.D. Bluestone, J.O.Kline, J.D. Nelson & P.L. Ogra (eds.), Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Decker Periodicals.

Petinou, K., Mody, M., Schwartz, R.G., Gravel, J.S., Ellis, M.A. (1997). The impact of otitis media on early speech development: Phonetic inventories. In D.J. Lim, C.D. Bluestone, J.O. Kline, J.D.Nelson & P.L. Ogra (eds.), Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Decker Periodicals.

Mody, M., Schwartz, R.G., Gravel, J.S., Wallace, I.F., Ellis, M.A., & Lee, W. (1997). Speech perception and verbal memory in children with otitis meda. In D.J. Lim, C.D. Bluestone, J.O. Kline, J.D. Nelson & P.L. Ogra (eds), Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Decker Periodicals.

Mody, M., Studdert-Kennedy, M. and Brady, S. (1997). Speech perception deficits in poor readers: Auditory processing or phonological coding? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 64, 199-231.

Studdert-Kennedy, M., Liberman, A.M., Brady, S., Fowler, Mody, M. & Shankweiler, D. (1996). Lengthened formant transitions are irrelevant to the improvements of speech and language impairments. Haskins Labs, SR 127-128.

Studdert-Kennedy, M. & Mody, M. (1995) Auditory temporal perception deficits in the reading impaired: A critical review of the evidence. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2(4) 508-514.

Whalen, D.H., Abramson, A.S., Lisker, L. & Mody, M. (1993). F0 gives voicing information even with unambiguous voice onset times. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 93, 2152-2159.

Whalen, D.H., Abramson, A.S., Lisker, L. & Mody, M. (1991). Gradient effects of fundamental frequency on stop-consonant voicing judgments. Phonetica, 47, 36-49.




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