Smoothing on the Surface

Smoothing on the Surface

Spatial smoothing on the surface can be tricky because the spatial grid of locations where the data are sampled is neither uniformly sampled nor rectangular. In addition, it is difficult convolve the data with a spatial kernel because it is diffucult to compute the distance between any two points on the grid. A simple cartesian distance cannot be computed because the surface is folded in 3D space. One can compute the distance based on the shortest path between the two points, but this is computationally prohibative because the large number of points (on the order of 100,000) leads to a huge number of paths to be searched.

We have two methods for smoothing on the surface. In the first method (nearest-neighbor averaging or NNA), the value at a vertex is recomputed as the average of itself and it's nearest neighbors. More smoothing is obtained through iteration. While this is fast and convenient, it is not clear what the size of the actual smoothing kernel is. In the second method (spherical smoothing), the surface is inflated so that all points lie on a sphere. This allows the distance between two points to be easily computed as the angle between them times the radius and so allows for convolution with a filter kernel. The problem with this method is that there is inevitably metric distortion in inflated to the sphere.

The data presented here compare these two methods in order to determine how many iterations in NNA are equivalent to a given gaussian FWHM. White guassian noise was generated on a 7th order icosahedron (163842 vertices, radius = 100 mm). Various levels of NNA and spherical smoothing were then applied. The reduction in the standard deviation (RStdDev) with respect to the unsmoothed data set was then computed across all vertices for each result. For the spherical smoothing, the RStdDev as a function of FWHM was fit using a slope and intercept. For NNA, the RStdDev as a function of number of iterations was fit using an intercept, slope, and square root. The raw data and best fit are shown in Figure 1. These best fits of the RStdDev were then used to compute the FWHM as a function of number of nearest-neighbor iterations (ie, the FWHM that would result in the same RStdDev as a given number of iterations). The equivalence plot is show in Figure 2 (to see a table, click here.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Table of equivalent values.