repack Command-line Options

repack [(options1)] -i <image1.ext> [(options2)] -i <image2.ext> ... 

Images must be in acceptable formats for read_image() (or new anmr .im),
and all the same dimensions.

Per-input options (supply once per input file):
         [-s skip] to skip images in the input stream.
         [-# numimages] or [-e endimage] Write out a maximum of <numimages>
                                         images or until image # endimage.
These truncate and concatenate in time (stack depth).  If not given, 
default is the previous file's values.  A parameter of 0 for -# or -e reads 
to end of file.
e.g. '-s 10 -# 1 -i file1.bfloat -s 0 -# 0 -i file2.bfloat -i file3.bfloat'
concatenates 10th image from file1 and entire datasets from file2 and file3.

Options to truncate in space (supply once only):
         [-x xstart][-y ystart][-c cols][-r rows]
         [-2] take the middle half (of an oversampled image) in horiz dir.
         [-v <overlayfile>] Crop to bounding box of given ovl or .otl file.

Options to modify brightness values (supply once only):
         [-RIMP] treat as complex input and return real, imag, mag, or phase
         [-l data_min] [-m data_max] crop input data to these limits.
         [-S] Force rescale of output; stretch input to cover output type.
         [-N] Force no rescaling even if output can't represent input data.
         [-D] Decouple the rescaling of individual files in a concatenation.

General options:
         -o <outfile>   Specifies output file.  Creates file with type
                        drawn from file extension.  Currently, 
                        *.anmr, *.flt, and all block formats are supported.
         [-O] Order output same as input (normal except for .im files)
         [-p num_partitions] Write out only one image per num_partitions.
         [-a num_averages ] [-C average_cutoff]  Output one image per
	   num_averages blocks input, averaging the first average_cutoff
	   images in each block.  If -C is absent, all num_averages are 
         [-q] Quiet operation.
         [-h] Show this usage message.
Defaults: No truncation, write bfloat to stdout, entire stacks.