GitLab Info

GitLab Options

The Martinos Center has its own GitLab site but is restricted in that

  • it only reachable inside the firewall for via VPN
  • only Martinos users can have login accounts needed to create projects and submit changes or even submit issues

The MGH Research Computing ERIS GitLab service is also similarly restricted but anyone with a Partners account can use it. So this is the site to use if you have code and you want to work with internal Partners developers outside Martinos.

You can use external sites like GitHub only for code that is truly free of all PHI and proprietary info/data. Please check with the Research Information Security Office.

Using the Martinos GitLab

If you plan to use git from the command line on a Linux workstation at the Martinos Center, you must first setup an ssh pubkey to copy to your GitLab profile. If you are a launchpad user, you already have ones named

~/.ssh/id_rsa_pbs ~/.ssh/

Only launchpad is configured to use those, but you have other systems use them by simply making the symlink

cd ~/.ssh ln -s id_rsa_pbs id_rsa ln -s

Some of you might have id_dsa instead of id_rsa. If you so no id* files at all in ~/.ssh, you will need to run

ssh-keygen -N ''

Once that is done go to

and login under the LDAP tab. Then go to your profile area (3rd icon from the upper right). Then click on SSH Keys and add the contents of the file

Once you have done this, you can create your own Groups/Projects or email other Group/Project owners to add your account to theirs.

I suggest ever new user go to

to understand permissions and remember that by default on a new project the master branch is locked to the Master and Owner users of a project.

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