The Martinos Center has three Dell PowerEdge R910 servers called icepuff1, icepuff2 and icepuff3. All three have 256 GB of RAM and eight X7560 Intel Xeon 8-core processors (64 cores total).
Rules of Use
Icepuffs should be used for jobs (single or overall threads) that need over 32GB of RAM or over eight
CPUs. In other words, these need to be jobs you cannot run on launchpad, either because they cannot run at
all on launchpad or because they run exponentially (not linearly) slower on launchpad. Users found running jobs on the icepuffs that can otherwise be run just fine on launchpad will have their access to the icepuffs revoked.
Login access to the icepuffs is restricted to approved accounts only. Once you're certain your jobs cannot run on launchpad, subscribe yourself to the icepuff-users mailing list and then contact the Martino Center Help Desk to be granted access to the icepuffs.
NOTICE: icepuff3 is available via reservation only. Use the Martinos Center Scheduler to reserve time on icepuff3.