Nouchine Hadjikhani
Visual System
Tootell RB, Mendola JD, Hadjikhani NK, Ledden PJ, Liu AK, Reppas JB, Sereno MI, Dale AM. Functional analysis of V3A and related areas in human visual cortex. J Neurosci. 1997;17(18):7060-78.
Tootell RBH, Hadjikhani NK, Mendola JD, Marrett S, Dale AM. From retinotopy to recognition: fMRI in human visual cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 1998;1(2):174-183.
Tootell RB, Hadjikhani NK, Vanduffel W, Liu AK, Mendola JD, Sereno MI, Dale AM. Functional analysis of primary visual cortex (V1) in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998;95(3):811-7.
Tootell RB, Mendola JD, Hadjikhani NK, Liu AK, Dale AM. The representation of the ipsilateral visual field in human cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998;95(3):818-24.
Tootell RB, Hadjikhani N, Hall EK, Marrett S, Vanduffel W, Vaughan JT, Dale AM. The retinotopy of visual spatial attention. Neuron. 1998;21(6):1409-22.
Tootell RB, Hadjikhani N. Attention - brains at work! Nat Neurosci. 2000;3(3):206-8.
Van Essen DC, Lewis JW, Drury HA, Hadjikhani N, Tootell RB, Bakircioglu M, Miller MI. Mapping visual cortex in monkeys and humans using surface-based atlases. Vision Res. 2001;41(10-11):1359-78.
Tootell RB, Hadjikhani N. Where is 'dorsal V4' in human visual cortex? Retinotopic, topographic and functional evidence. Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(4):298-311.
Bonmassar G, Hadjikhani N, Ives JR, Hinton D, Belliveau JW. Influence of EEG electrodes on the BOLD fMRI signal. Hum Brain Mapp. 2001;14(2):108-15.
Hadjikhani N, Kveraga K, Naik P, Ahlfors S. Early activation of face-specific cortex by face-like objects.NeuroReport 2009,20:403-407
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