Magn Reson Med. 1991 Dec;22(2):273-9; discussion 280-1

Equipment requirements to facilitate contrast-enhanced MR imaging

Brady TJ, Cohen MS, Weisskoff RM, Rosen BR.


During the past decade, MR equipment and imaging techniques have experienced unprecedented development. Significant improvements have been made in image quality, enhancing conventional contrast agent studies. In addition, the development of new applications, such as MR angiography, has expanded the role of existing agents. A major benefit for contrast agent research has been the development of ultrafast MR imaging. This ability to provide information on contrast agent dynamics will aid in the detection and characterization of neoplastic and other disease states. While the gradient-echo techniques may provide adequate temporal resolution for many applications, echo planar imaging will enable the assessment of perfusion for an entire organ, which is critical in the heart or when the location of the pathology is unknown a priori. It is also likely that continued development in MR contrast agents will have a synergistic impact on pulse sequences, e.g., MR diffusion imaging. The growth in functional MR imaging will be based in large measure on the continued interactive development of imaging strategies and magnetopharmaceutials.

PMID: 1812358