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- Ay H, Furie KL, Singhal A, Smith WS, Sorensen AG, Koroshetz WJ. An evidence-based causative classification system for acute ischemic stroke. Ann Neurol. 2005 Nov;58(5):688-97.
- Singhal AB, Benner T, Roccatagliata L, Koroshetz WJ, Schaefer PW, Lo EH, Buonanno FS, Gonzalez RG, Sorensen AG. A pilot study of normobaric oxygen therapy in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2005 Apr;36(4):797-802. Epub 2005 Mar 10.
- Pien HH, Fischman AJ, Thrall JH, Sorensen AG. Using imaging biomarkers to accelerate drug development and clinical trials. Drug Discov Today. 2005 Feb 15;10(4):259-66. Review.
- Wu O, Østergaard L, Koroshetz WJ, Schwamm LH, O'Donnell J, Schaefer PW, Rosen BR, Weisskoff RM, Sorensen AG Effects of tracer arrival time on flow estimates in MR perfusion-weighted imaging Magn Reson Med. 2003 Oct;50(4):856-64.
- Wu O, Østergaard L, Weisskoff RM, Benner T, Rosen BR, Sorensen AG. Tracer arrival timing-insensitive technique for estimating flow in MR perfusion-weighted imaging using singular value decomposition with a block-circulant deconvolution matrix. Magn Reson Med. 2003 Jul;50(1):164-74.
- Tombach B, Benner T, Reimer P, Schuierer G, Fallenberg EM, Geens V, Wels T, Sorensen AG. Do highly concentrated gadolinium chelates improve MR brain perfusion imaging? Intraindividually controlled randomized crossover concentration comparison study of 0.5 versus 1.0 mol/L gadobutrol. Radiology. 2003 Mar;226(3):880-8. Epub 2003 Jan 31.
- Yamada K, Gonzalez RG, OStergaard L, Komili S, Weisskoff RM, Rosen BR, Koroshetz WJ, Nishimura T, Sorensen AG. Iron-induced susceptibility effect at the globus pallidus causes underestimation of flow and volume on dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR perfusion images. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 Jun-Jul;23(6):1022-9.
- Ezzeddine MA, Lev MH, McDonald CT, Rordorf G, Oliveira-Filho J, Aksoy FG, Farkas J, Segal AZ, Schwamm LH, Gonzalez RG, Koroshetz WJ. CT angiography with whole brain perfused blood volume imaging: added clinical value in the assessment of acute stroke. Stroke. 2002 Apr;33(4):959-66.
- Sorensen AG. Apparently, diffusion coefficient value and stroke treatment remains mysterious. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 Feb;23(2):177-8.
- Yamada K, Wu O, Gonzalez RG, Bakker D, Østergaard L, Copen WA, Weisskoff RM, Rosen BR, Yagi K, Nishimura T, Sorensen AG. Magnetic resonance perfusion-weighted imaging of acute cerebral infarction: effect of the calculation methods underlying vasculopathy. Stroke. 2002 Jan; 33(1):87-94.
- Copen WA, Schwamm LH, Gonzalez RG, Wu O, Harmarth CB, Schaefer PW, Koroshetz WJ, Sorensen AG. Ischemic Stroke: Effects of etiology and patient age on the time course fo the core apparent diffusion coefficient Radiology. 2001 Oct;221:27-34.
- Grant PE, He J, Halpern EF, Wu O, Schaefer PW, Schwamm LH, Budzik RF, Sorensen AG, Koroshetz WJ, Gonzalez RG. Frequency and clinical context of decreased apparent diffusion coefficient reversal in the human brain Radiology. 2001 Oct;221:43-50.
- Yoshiura T, Wu O, Zaheer A, Reese TG, Sorensen AG. Highly diffusion-sensitized MRI of brain: dissociation of gray and white matter. Magn Reson Med. 2001 May;45(5):734-40.
- Wu O, Koroshetz WJ, Østergaard L, Buonanno FS, Copen WA, Gonzalez RG, Rordorf G, Rosen BR, Schwamm LH, Weisskoff RM, Sorensen AG. Predicting tissue outcome in acute human cerebral ischemia using combined diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MR imaging. Stroke. 2001 Apr;32(4):933-42.
- Sorensen AG. What is the meaning of quantitative CBF? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2001 Feb;22(2):235-6.
- Greer D, Oliveira-Filho J, Koroshetz WJ. The role of neuroimaging in selecting treatments for patients with acute stroke. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2001 Jan;1(1):26-32. Review.
- Østergaard L, Sorensen AG, Chesler DA, Weisskoff RM, Koroshetz WJ, Wu O, Gyldensted C, Rosen BR. Combined diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted flow heterogeneity magnetic resonance imaging in acute stroke. Stroke. 2000 May;31(5):1097-103.
- Koroshetz WJ, Gonzales RG. Imaging stroke in progress: magnetic resonance advances but computed tomography is poised for counterattack. Ann Neurol. 1999 Oct;46(4):556-8
- Østergaard L, Chesler DA, Weisskoff RM, Sorensen AG, Rosen BR. Modeling cerebral blood flow and flow heterogeneity from magnetic resonance residue data. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1999 Jun;19(6):690-9.
- Sorensen AG, Wu O, Copen WA, Davis TL, Gonzalez RG, Koroshetz WJ, Reese TG, Rosen BR, Wedeen VJ,Weisskoff RM. Human acute cerebral ischemia: detection of changes in water diffusion anisotropy by using MR imaging. Radiology. 1999 Sep;212(3):785-92.
- Sorensen AG, Copen WA, Ostergaard L, Buonanno FS, Gonzalez RG, Rordorf G, Rosen BR, Schwamm LH, Weisskoff RM, Koroshetz WJ.Hyperacute stroke: simultaneous measurement of relative cerebral blood volume, relative cerebral blood flow, and mean tissue transit time. Radiology. 1999 Feb;210(2):519-27.
- Gonzalez RG, Schaefer PW, Buonanno FS, Schwamm LH, Budzik RF, Rordorf G, Wang B, Sorensen AG, Koroshetz WJ. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging: diagnostic accuracy in patients imaged within 6 hours of stroke symptom onset. Radiology. 1999 Jan;210(1):155-62.
- Schwamm LH, Koroshetz WJ, Sorensen AG, Wang B, Copen WA, Budzik R, Rordorf G, Buonanno FS, Schaefer PW, Gonzalez RG. Time course of lesion development in patients with acute stroke: serial diffusion- and hemodynamic-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke. 1998 Nov;29(11):2268-76.
- Koroshetz WJ, Gonzalez G. Diffusion-weighted MRI: an ECG for "brain attack"? Ann Neurol. 1997 May;41(5):565-6.
- Sorensen AG, Buonanno FS, Gonzalez RG, Schwamm LH, Lev MH, Huang-Hellinger FR, Reese TG, Weisskoff RM, Davis TL, Suwanwela N, Can U, Moreira JA, Copen WA, Look RB, Finklestein SP, Rosen BR, Koroshetz WJ.Hyperacute stroke: evaluation with combined multisection diffusion-weighted and hemodynamically weighted echo-planar MR imaging. Radiology. 1996 May;199(2):391-401.
- Koroshetz WJ. Imaging stroke in progress. Ann Neurol. 1996 Mar;39(3):283-4. No abstract available