Magn Reson Imaging. 1982;1(1):11-22

Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging techniques as developed modestly within a university medical center environment: what can the small system contribute at this point?

Thomas SR, Ackerman JL, Goebel JR, Davis M, Kereiakes JG, Lin YY.


This paper describes a geometrically small NMR imaging system which has been developed and assembled within a university medical center environment. Consideration is given to the technical specifications and basic economics for the magnet system, NMR spectrometer, and computer configuration. Initial research objectives for the system are outlined which include (1) the signal-to-noise improvement potential of rotational gradient imaging, and (2) 19F tracer imaging considerations with a detailed discussion concerning the feasibility of in vivo NMR imaging of 19F-fluorodeoxyglucose (2-FDG and 3-FDG). Finally, potentially significant areas for research within the constraints of a small NMR imaging system are described.

PMID: 6927190