Adv Exp Med Biol. 1984;180:835-45

Perfluorinated organic liquids and emulsions as biocompatible NMR imaging agents for 19F and dissolved oxygen

Clark LC Jr, Ackerman JL, Thomas SR, Millard RW, Hoffman RE, Pratt RG, Ragle-Cole H, Kinsey RA, Janakiraman R.


Emulsions of fluorocarbons are finding considerable use in physiology for intravascular oxygen transport. Their wide clinical application as blood substitutes, anti-shock, and anti-ischemic agents seems imminent. Whole body NMR imaging is rapidly gaining clinical application and may one day almost completely supplant X-ray imaging. All of the 19F compounds used in biocompatible fluorocarbon emulsions give 19F signals identical to those in the corresponding neat liquid. In concentrations of 10% w/v they are readily imaged. The paramagnetic oxygen molecule reduces T1 in such a way as to make possible whole body imaging of oxygen. T1 typically decreases from 1-4 to 0.3-0.5 seconds and is an inverse linear function of oxygen tension. Spin-lattice relaxation times versus oxygen tensions from 0 to 600 torr have been obtained for F-decalin, F-tributylamine, and F-44E. The usefulness of these 19F effects in clinical NMR imaging depends upon the sensitivity of the method and the tolerable dose. The 19F signal may find use in monitoring 19F compounds as vapors or gases dissolved in plasma or in perfluorocarbons in neat liquid or particle form.

PMID: 6534151