Psychiatry Res. 2001 Aug 25;107(2):117-23

No evidence for dependence of early cortical auditory processing on dopamine D(2)-receptor modulation: a whole-head magnetoencephalographic study

Kähkönen S, Ahveninen J, Pekkonen E, Kaakkola S, Huttunen J, Peltonen T, Ilmoniemi RJ, Jääskeläinen IP.


Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to determine the effect of neuroleptic challenge on brain responses in healthy subjects. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design study, the dopamine D(2) receptor antagonist haloperidol (2 mg) was given orally to 12 healthy volunteers. The middle-latency auditory evoked magnetic fields (MAEF) were recorded 3 h after administration of haloperidol or placebo with a whole-head 122-channel MEG. Haloperidol did not significantly affect MAEF responses. The dipole moments and source locations of the responses were not significantly influenced by haloperidol. These results suggest that dopamine D(2) receptors are not involved in the early phases of auditory cortical processing.

PMID: 11530277