Neurology. 1984 May;34(5):570-6

Central pontine myelinolysis: demonstration by nuclear magnetic resonance

DeWitt LD, Buonanno FS, Kistler JP, Zeffiro T, DeLaPaz RL, Brady TJ, Rosen BR, Pykett IL.


An alcoholic, hyponatremic woman developed central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) and improved from a decerebrate, comatose state to alertness and full ambulation. NMR, using inversion-recovery and spin-echo pulse sequences, was performed sequentially from 4 weeks to 8 months after onset of symptoms and revealed a well-defined lesion with prolonged relaxation times. The lesion was anatomically consistent with CPM and was initially also visualized by CT. NMR showed no definite temporal change in the qualitative appearance of the lesion until the 8-month scan; however, quantitatively, a reduction of relaxation times was noted with each serial study.

PMID: 6538649