
mne.read_selection(name, fname=None, info=None, verbose=None)[source]

Read channel selection from file.

By default, the selections used in mne_browse_raw are supported. Additional selections can be added by specifying a selection file (e.g. produced using mne_browse_raw) using the fname parameter.

The name parameter can be a string or a list of string. The returned selection will be the combination of all selections in the file where (at least) one element in name is a substring of the selection name in the file. For example, name=['temporal', 'Right-frontal'] will produce a combination of 'Left-temporal', 'Right-temporal', and 'Right-frontal'.

The included selections are:

  • 'Vertex'
  • 'Left-temporal'
  • 'Right-temporal'
  • 'Left-parietal'
  • 'Right-parietal'
  • 'Left-occipital'
  • 'Right-occipital'
  • 'Left-frontal'
  • 'Right-frontal'

name : str or list of str

Name of the selection. If is a list, the selections are combined.

fname : str

Filename of the selection file (if None, built-in selections are used).

info : instance of Info

Measurement info file, which will be used to determine the spacing of channel names to return, e.g. 'MEG 0111' for old Neuromag systems and 'MEG0111' for new ones.

verbose : bool, str, int, or None

If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose() and Logging documentation for more).


sel : list of string

List with channel names in the selection.