The Daily Free Press recounts the HUBWeek event in which Center Director Bruce Rosen and medical illustrator Danny Quirk spoke about the intersectionality of human anatomy and visual art.
Gaelle Desbordes in Science & Vie
November 5, 2013
Gaelle Desbordes' work was highlighted in the October issue of the French popular science magazine Science & Vie. The magazine featured her recent study on the effects of meditation on the amygdala in its cover story on meditation, neurofeedback, and placebo effects: "Guerir par la pensee: la preuve en 15 experiences" (Healing through the mind: Evidence from 15 experiments/studies). Desbordes found a decrease in amygdala activation in response to emotional images after eight weeks of meditation training, suggesting that meditation practice may increase participants' equanimity in response to emotional challenge.