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Welcome to the MGH FTD Unit

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As recently as 1990 there had been relatively little modern FTD research performed in the world, and only a few groups were focusing on these disorders. Today, nearly twenty years later, there is a vibrant international community of clinicians and scientists who are studying a wide variety of aspects of the illnesses. We are fortunate to work in partnership with a number of these groups around the world.

Our research currently focuses on the development of better understanding of the relationship between alterations in brain structure and function and changes in social and emotional behavior, language, memory, and cognition. We are also particularly interested in the impact of these illnesses on the family and other parts of the social network. In addition, we perform research related to genetics and pathology.

Our research is generously funded by the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association.

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We believe that research is a critical ingredient in the recipe for progress toward better treatment of FTD and related disorders. Research at all levels is necessary, including studies of basic biology of the illnesses, clinical features, and psychosocial impact on families and caregivers.