startup options

Within fastmap, use “help” —> “startup options” to see all current options.

Usage: fastmap [options] [file1] [file2] ...

Files are NIFTI (.nii or .nii.gz) or JIP format (binary file with separate header).

Without modifiers, files are placed into the time-series space. Other input files can be referenced with these options:

-T, --template-directory [directory name] for anatomy/atlas/overlays

-a, —anatomy [file name] Open anatomy file (different space from time-series)

-A, —atlas [file name] Open atlas and label files (anatomy space)

-c, —color [file name] Open color file using linear scale

-P, —PValue [file name] Open file containing log-10 numbers, with sign giving tail

-o, --overlay-list [file name] Open a list of overlays

-I, --alignment-file [file name] Read an alignment file

-t, --time-model [file name] Open a time model file, including time-series files

Batch and convenience options:

--output-file [file name] Define an output file name (names are memorized)

--calibrate [region name] find k2’ for SRTM3—>SRTM2 (region from overlay list)

-f, --fastmap-input Read command line AND fastmap file options on current directory

—smoothing [FWHM of smoothing kernel]; this information is memorized

-O, —open [name] Open time model or pre-processing page (see names below)

--preprocess [name] Apply a preprocessing option (names below)

-q, --quit Quit after running

-b, --batch Suppress GUI

-M, --map Calculate maps from time model

Rarely used options, due to memorized settings that span sessions:

—threads [# of threads] to specify number of threads for processing

-1, --1-slice Use 1 display panel

-3, --3-panels Use 3 orthogonal panels

--all, --all-slices Use full mosaic

-m, --mosaic Use partial mosaic

-Y, --flip-up-down Mirror images in y

-y, --do-not-flip Do not mirror images in y

-p, --percent Use percent units.

-h, --help Displays help; also available from menu “help” —> “startup options”

Preprocessing names: smooth, clip, reslice, asl, pvc, align, register, register-overlays-forward

Time model names:          fmri, pet-rtm, mem, adc, dti, t1, t2

Joseph B. Mandeville, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH/MIT/Harvard